Page 5 - George Boyeee
P. 5
Step 5 – Present your poster to the class
1. Use the checklist below to ensure that you are able to present your poster in an
appropriate way
_____ You must present your show to the class later by going to the front of the room and showing
your poster and its various items in your poster on the big screen show using the teacher’s
computer. So you must become familiar with how to access or download your poster on Mr.
Zions’ computer, how to show various parts appropriately (ex. zoom in on various text pieces
and images) and how run various parts of it (ex. play your videos, have the class listen to
your music, etc) such as by clicking the right key or clicking the mose.
_____ You must also talk during your final presentation using good delivery skills (ex. know what you
will say instead of reading, point to things and use other gestures, be energetic but
_____ You must save the file for your show and submit to Mr. Zions (ex. bring in the file on a USB,
email the file to Mr. Zions, etc.)
** Again, NOTE!! This presentation will be marked as a task score. TRY YOUR