Page 10 - BIC's Revolution Health Plan Brochure
P. 10

BIC’s Self-Funded Exchange: How It Works

                                             EASY ENROLLMENT

        Enrolling  online  has  never  been  easier  or  more  efficient.  With  BIC’s  Self-Funded
        Exchange technology, your group can enroll on-line quickly and easily and applications

        are more complete than ever.

        No longer will you have to complete massive paperwork with a single carrier only
        to get a bad decision requiring you to start all over again with another carrier. We
        capture the data required to complete virtually any application.

        For eligible groups of 25 enrolled employees or more using our Automated Risk

        Assessment, enrollment is completed with simple data in a spreadsheet. This can be
        generated or exported from your own HRIS platform, or nearly any digital enrollment



        Our Self-Funded Exchange is a secure on-line enrollment portal that complies with
        HIPAA regulations.  This is an improvement over paperwork floating around offices

        and eliminates the need to go back and forth for missing information. Employees
        are assured that their data is confidential and they don’t have to provide sensitive
        information to their peers at the office.

                              NO MORE SCRUBBING APPLICATIONS

        Let our technology collect complete data the first time, virtually eliminating the back
        and forth and incomplete applications. Avoid the inefficiencies and risks caused by
        messy handwriting or mangled pieces of paper.

        Instant reporting capabilities tell us who is complete and allow us to communicate

        with the employer for more efficient follow up. Eliminate frustration and provide
        more timely enrollment.

                                                 QUICK TIP:

           Enroll first and be ready for any deadline!

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