Page 6 - BIC's Revolution Health Plan Brochure
P. 6

Automated Risk Assessment: How It Works

                               IT'S THAT EASY WITH ARA!

                                                    THE BASICS

          Eligible groups of 25-150 employee lives enrolling should accurately complete all 3

                                           documents with the Employer.

                        ARA Checklist Form

                        ARA Documentation & Census

                        Employer Level Supplemental Questionnaire

                                          THINGS TO REMEMBER

         Underwriting guidelines often change and vary widely based upon the many carrier

          options. In some cases, you'll find the process more streamlined while others may
                                   request additional supporting information.

                                  ARA ELIGIBILITY IS SUBJECT TO:

                       Groups with 25-150 enrolled employees are eligible. Groups over 150
                     subject to exception.

                     Eligible Groups will already need to offer major medical coverage.

                       Eligible Groups must be in business long enough to produce a Quarterly
                     Wage and Tax Form.

                     Retirees are not eligible on ARA groups.

                       Rates can change if the census on the effective date varies from the
                     census that produced the rate proposal.

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