Page 7 - BIC's Revolution Health Plan Brochure
P. 7

Automated Risk Assessment: What We Know

               Value Proposition:alue Proposition:

             •  Ease of Entry

             •  Rates More Rapidly Available than Ever Before

             •  No Individual Health Questionnaires (IHQs) Required of

                 Employees for Rating

               Based on our Experience:ased on our Experience:

             •  Groups do receive a benefit to the bottom line, 70% of clients in this
                 rating model have a surplus in their claim account at plan year end

                 based upon the most recent data.

             •  Companies with healthy habits and smarter consumer choices still
                 benefit and promote happier, healthier Americans while saving


             •  Average surplus equates to over $500 annually per plan participant.

                            Replace Health Questionnaires.

               Improve Risk Selection.  Increase Efficiency.


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