Page 53 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 53


          Grammar   Past Continuous
                                                               22  Get Grammar!
                        and Past Simple with when

                                                                We were having
           I was cycling to school when it started to rain.     dinner when the
           Rob and Millie were working when they heard a noise.   phone rang.

        3      2.31 Look at the pictures. Circle the
          correct answers. Then listen and check.

           1                       2
                                                                Grammar   Adverbs of manner

                                                                 patient    patiently careful    carefully
                                                                 nice    nicely easy    easily
                                                                 good     well fast    fast

                                                              5  Which of these adverbs can you find in the
           3                       4
                                                              6      2.32 Complete the dialogue with adverbs
                                                                of manner. Then listen and check.

                                                                Dr Q:   This is my first robot, Pi.
                                                                        It’s very old. Turn it
                                                                        on   carefully  (careful).
                                                                Robot:  Hello! I’m CX-546.
                                                                Pi:       I can’t hear it. It’s talking
          1   Rob watered / was watering  the plants                    too   quietly      (quiet).
            when the storm started / was starting.
                                                                Dr Q:   How about now?
          2   Doctor Q and Pi made / were making smoothies
                                                                Robot:  HELLO! I’M CX-546!!!
            when the postman arrived / was arriving.
                                                                Pi:     No w it’s speaking too   3   loudly     (loud)!
          3   Millie cleaned / was cleaning when she
                                                                        CX-546 is very slow. Can’t he walk
            broke / was breaking Doctor Q’s favourite cup.              4
          4   Pi had / was having a shower when the water
                                                                Dr Q:    No, but he knows how to make toast really
            stopped / was stopping.                                     5
                                                                                       (good). Here, try this!
        4  Complete the sentences with the Past
          Continuous or the Past Simple form of the
          verbs. Who do you think is talking?                         Fun
          1  In the morning, Pi  was playing  (play) a game
            on the lab computer when I   came                       Spot
            (come) in!

          2  Then, Millie and I           (work) in the
                                                          7  What were you doing when your
            lab when the lights              (go) out.
                                                             friend took a silly photo of you?
          3  After lunch, Rob and I
                                                             Use the words in the boxes to answer the question.
            (listen) to my favourite opera when
            the speakers               (break).
                                                              cycle dance sing talk walk
          4  But in the evening, I
            (paint) a picture when I                          carefully happily loudly slowly badly
            (have) a fantastic idea! What
            a day!                                           I was singing loudly when my friend took the photo.
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