Page 57 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 57
                                                          Language Revision                        4.7

        Vocabulary                                 Grammar

        1  Match 1–7 to a–g. Which of these        5  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the Past
          items did you use yesterday?               Continuous and the Past Simple.

          1   b     smart      a  toothbrush         1   It  was raining  (rain) when I  came  (come) out of the
          2         microwave  b  TV                   building.
          3         remote     c  stick              2   Marty            (not brush) his teeth when the lights
          4         electric   d  oven                             (go) out.
                                                     3   The children           (study) when their mum
          5         DVD        e  player
                                                       (ask) them to help her.
          6         USB        f   control
                                                     4    Julie          (walk) to school when she          (see)
          7         games      g  console
                                                        the accident.
        2  Complete the sentences with one           5   We            (not have) dinner when Grandad
          word in each gap.                            (call).
                                                     6   What          (you/do) when the postman
          1   Unplug    the lamp in the living room
            and take it upstairs.
          2   Please          in the hairdryer     6  Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
            for me. I want to dry my hair.
          3   I turned          the TV and             badly carefully easily fast  slowly  well
            watched my favourite programme.
          4   It’s late. Turn        the lights      1  The old man was tired and he walked  slowly .
            and go to bed.                           2  The team won the match because they played              .
                                                     3  The road is dangerous, so don’t drive
        3  Read the sentences and write the                                                            .
          words.                                     4   It wasn’t a difficult exam, so I passed it      .
                                                     5  Don’t break the dishes! Wash them                    .
          1   You can download this onto your
                           p p
            smartphone.  a_ _                       6  They did the work, but they did it         .
          2   You can use it to connect to the
             Internet.  W_-_ _                     Communication
          3   Your tablet doesn’t need a mouse
            because it has this.                   7      2.39 Complete the dialogues. Then listen and check.
             t_ _ _ _  s_ _ _ _ _
          4   This is inside your smartphone and       happened shame terrible  What’s  when
            laptop. You need to charge it.
             b_ _ _ _ _ _                            1  A:  You don’t look happy, Colin.   What’s  wrong?
          5   You hear this when people phone          B:   I was having a shower   2        the hot water ran out.
            your mobile phone.  r_ _ _ _ _ _ _       2  A:  I can’t come to the party tonight.
                                                       B:  That’s a                  !
        Pronunciation                                3  A:  You look worried. What   4       ?
                                                     B:  My cat is very ill.
        4      2.38 Listen and repeat: /ɜ:/.         A:  That’s   5          !

                                                      Check yourself!

                                                     t  I can talk about useful objects powered by electricity.
                                                     t  I can use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
                                                     t  I can use adverbs of manner.
          Two girls were learning new words          t  I can express sympathy.
          when they heard some singing birds.

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