Page 5 - MABA Newsletter
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MCLE Series by Monica Guizar & Nora Preciado

                                                                                          MABA PAST PRESIDENTS
        MABA held a successful three-day CLE series at the end of January.
                                                                                             2020 MARISA HERNÁNDEZ-STERN
    M      Day One of the three-day series focused on immigration                               2019 OSCAR RENÉ GUT IÉRREZ
                                                                                                  2018 DENISSE O. GASTÉLUM
           issues. The last four years presented unprecedented challenges for
                                                                                                   2017 ALEJANDRO BECERRA
    C      immigrants and their advocates as a result of the Trump                                     2015 CINDY PÁNUCO
                                                                                                        2016 MARIA RAMIREZ
           Administration’s cruel and inhumane policies which tore families
                                                                                                        2014 ERICK SOLARES
     L     and communities apart. In response to expected immigration-                         2012 RIGOBERTO J . ARRECHIGA
                                                                                                    2013 EL IZABETH P. URIBE
    E      related actions under the Biden Administration, MABA's                             2011 COMM'R VICTOR ACEVEDO
                                                                                                           2010 JUDY PEREZ
           Immigration Committee convened a CLE panel of immigration
                                                                                                       2009 MARIO TRUJILLO
           experts to provide an overview of these anticipated changes that                    2008 COMM'R PETER NAVARRO
           represent new opportunities and bring renewed hope to                         2007 HON. EFRAIN MAT THEW ACEVES
                                                                                                     2006 CLAIRE CI FUENTES
           immigrant communities.                                                                    2005 ALAN R. DIAMANTE
                                                                                                     2004 EDWARD ORTEGA
                                                                                                       2003 MARIBEL MEDINA
                           The panel included      Victor D.                                 2002 CRIST INA PEREZ-GONZALEZ
                           Nieblas, Mayra B. Joachin, and                                              2001 LUIS RODRIGUEZ
                           moderator Nora A. Preciado.                                         2000 HON. JAMES E. BLANCARTE
                                                                                                   1999 ARNOLDO CASI L LAS
                                                                                                     1998 M. LESL IE STEARNS
                                                                                                         1997 MARIA VI L LA
                            The panel discussed the                                                   1996 YVONNE F LORES
                            proposed         immigration         Mayra B. Joachin, Esq.              1995 ENRIQUE AREVALO
                            reform legislation, pathways                                            1994 MARTHA MELENDEZ
                                                                                                      1993 MARTHA ROMERO
                            to citizenship for DACA and TPS recipients, changes                       1992 RAUL GRANADOS
                                                                                                          1991 RAUL AYALA
                            to enforcement and asylum policies, and the barriers        1990 MARCIA GONZALES- K IMBROUGH

    Victor D. Nieblas, Esq.  that may limit the administration’s ability to                           1989 DEBRA GONZALES
                                                                                                      1988 MONICA J IMENEZ
                            implement such changes.                                                 1987 GUSTAVO BARCENA
                                                                                             1986 COMM'R ARMANDO DURON
                                                                                                    1985 CARLOS ZARAGOZA
    The session was well-attended and elicited                                                       1984 JAIME CERVANTES*
    questions from participants that included the                                              1983 HON. JAMES E. BLANCARTE
                                                                                                 1982 HON. CARLOS MORENO
    new administration's stance on mandatory E-                                                       1981 ESTHER VALADEZ
    Verify, expected    protections for immigrant                                                        1980 OSCAR PARRA
                                                                                                        1979 DANIEL GARCIA
    workers, the litigation in Texas against the            Nora A. Preciado, Esq.               1978 HON. JOHN MART INEZ
    moratorium order, among others.                                                                 1977 HON. BEN ARANDA*
                                                                                                1976 LAWRENCE DE FUENTES*
                                                                                                       1975 FRANK MUNOZ*
                                                                                                     1974 STANLEY DELNICK*
                                                                                                  1973 HON. JOSEPH ARMI JO*
                                                                                                      1972 ERNEST GAL LEGO
                                                                                               1971 HON. VICTOR E. CHAVEZ*
                                                                                                     1970 OSCAR MUNGUIA*
                                                                                                    1969 LORENZO PEREYDA*
                                                                                            1968 MANUEL ARANDA (RESIGNED)
                                                                                                  1967 MANUEL VALENZUELA*
                                                                                                   1966 MART IN CAST I L LO*
                                                                                                   1965 HON. RAY CARDENAS
                                                                                                       1964 HERMAN SI L LAS
                                                                                                  1963 MANUEL S. MART INEZ*


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