Page 6 - MABA Newsletter
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MCLE Series  (cont’d)

         Day twO of the MABA CLE series featured
         long-time MABA members and experienced
         criminal defense attorneys Richard Chacon and
         Elsa Leyva. Studies show that 21% of working
         lawyers are considered problem drinkers.

         28% of lawyers suffer with depression and up to

         70% of legal malpractice issues are associated
         with substance abuse. High stress jobs and the
         pressure to succeed are known to drive workers
         towards substance abuse as a short-term strategy           Addiction in the legal profession often
         to help them cope.                                         begins in law school. Heavy workloads
                                                                    coupled with the pressure to compete
                                                                    causes mental health problems for some,
                                                                    which is often directly related to drug and
                                                                    alcohol abuse. According to one study, one
                                                                    of every five lawyers has used alcohol or
                                                                    some other drug to excess in their lives. For
                                                                    the overwhelming majority of lawyers,
                                                                    alcohol abuse started after entering law
                                                                    school. The current pandemic has resulted
                                                                    in   increased    isolation, depression, and
                                                                    exacerbated other mental health challenges

                                                                    that contribute to alcohol and substance
       Day three of our MCLE series closed with                     abuse. Providing one hour of Competence
                                                                    Issues specialty credit, our panelists shared
       an excellent Ethics presentation by Robert L. Kehr           resources and tools to help attorneys who
       and Rachelle Cohen, of Kehr, Schiff, Crane & Cohen,
                                                                    may be experiencing challenges that may
       LLP. Moderated by Heriberto Veliz, from the law              contribute to alcohol and substance abuse.

       firm of Perez & Caballero, APC, panelists provided
       guidance for lawyers on ethical issues that lawyers
       may face during the pandemic including: office

       closures and limitations; temporary living situation
       changes; remote working; lawyer illness; caregiving               MABA thanks its panelists
       obligations; staffing challenges; clients facing declines         for lending their time and
       and untested legal issues.                                        expertise to its MCLE


                                                                           2021Volume 17 | Issue 1 | Page 6
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