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P. 36
2.1.5 Modals of Ability
We use modals of ability to state what a
person or cannot do or to show their ability.
We can understand the modals of ability based on the table below
Modals of Abil- Modal verbs Examples
Real ability Can, can’t (for current time) I can dance.
Could, couldn’t (past ability) I could play piano when I
was 7.
Will, won’t be able to (future abil-
ity) Hopefully I will be able to
travel around the world one
Hypothetical Could, couldn’t (current hypothet- I couldn’t watch scary movie.
ability ical ability) I’d be scared.
Could, couldn’t (future hypothet- I could easily win this match.
ical ability) But, I was being easy on
Could have, couldn’t have ( past I could have win this game if
hypothetical ability) I have enough time to prac-