Page 7 - pet225ebook_Neat
P. 7
1. Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative Adjectives consists of this, that, these, and those.
They are being used to point out noun which answer the question of
’which one?’ .
For example:
1. These boats are used by fisherman, but those speedboats are
boarded by tourists.
2. This is coral but that is seaweed.
This, that, these, and those can also be used as pronouns.
Demonstrative pronouns are not followed by nouns but replac-
ing the nouns instead. However, demonstrative adjectives are
followed by nouns. The adjectives is used to demonstrate the
nouns, giving them extra details and information.
Demonstrative Pronoun:
Pass me that, and I will give you this as an exchange.
(Nouns are replaced with demonstrative pronouns)
Demonstrative Adjectives:
Pass my that shovel, and I will give you this bucket as an exchange.