Page 10 - RPT BI YEAR 6 2020
P. 10

SOW ENGLISH YEAR 6              2020

            /THEME          LISTENING & SPEAKING                 READING                   WRITING                     GRAMMAR               LANGUAGE ART

            Week :          1.1.3                                2.2.2                     3.2.2                       5.1.6                 4.2.1
            23,24           Able to listen to and respond to a   Able to read and          Able to write with guidance:   Able to use        Able to respond to
                            given stimulus by using appropriate   understand phrases and   descriptions                adjectives correctly   literary texts:
                            words, phrases and expressions with   sentences from:                                      and appropriately.    (a) characters
            Unit 11 :       the correct stress, rhythm and       linear texts              3.2.4
            Tailor Made     intonation.                                                    Able to spell words by
                                                                 2.3.1                     applying spelling rules.
                            1.2.5                                Able to read for
            Theme :         Able to talk on topics of interest in   information and
            World of        formal situations with guidance.     enjoyment with guidance:
            Knowledge                                            (a) fiction
                            1.3.1                                (b) non-fiction
            *W24 (JUN)      Able to listen to and demonstrate
            Civic education  understanding of oral texts by:
                            giving main ideas and supporting

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