Page 6 - RPT BI YEAR 6 2020
P. 6

SOW ENGLISH YEAR 6              2020

            /THEME          LISTENING & SPEAKING            READING                          WRITING                   GRAMMAR               LANGUAGE ART

            Week :          1.1.3                           2.2.2                            3.1.1                     5.1.3                 4.2.1
            12,13           Able to listen to and respond to a   Able to read and understand   Able to write in neat   Able to use verbs     Able to respond to
                            given stimulus by using         phrases and sentences from:      legible print with correct   correctly and      literary texts:
                            appropriate words, phrases and   linear texts                    spelling:                 appropriately:        (a) characters
            Unit 6 :        expressions with the correct    non-linear texts                 sentences                 (a) simple future     (b) place and time
            Go Green        stress, rhythm and intonation.                                                             tense
                                                            2.2.4                            3.2.1                     (b) future continuous
                            1.2.4                           Able to apply dictionary skills to   Able to transfer      tense
            Theme :         Able to participate in          identify and understand meaning   information with guidance
            World of        conversations with peers.       of words in context.             to complete:
            Knowledge                                                                        linear texts
                            Able to talk on topics of interest
                            in formal situations with

                            Able to listen to and demonstrate
                            understanding of oral texts by:
                            asking and answering questions

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