Page 5 - RPT BI YEAR 6 2020
P. 5

SOW ENGLISH YEAR 6              2020

            /THEME          LISTENING & SPEAKING            READING                        WRITING                     GRAMMAR               LANGUAGE ART

            Week :          1.1.3                           2.2.2                          3.1.2                       5.1.3                 4.3.1
            9,10            Able to listen to and respond to a   Able to read and understand   Able to write in neat cursive   Able to use verbs   Able to plan, produce
                            given stimulus by using         phrases and sentences from:    writing with correct spelling:  correctly and     and display creative
                            appropriate words, phrases and   non-linear texts              paragraphs                  appropriately:        works based on
            Unit 5 :        expressions with the correct                                                               (a) simple future     literary texts using a
            360°            stress, rhythm and intonation.    2.2.3                        3.2.1                       tense                 variety of media with
                                                            Able to read and demonstrate   Able to transfer information   (b) future continuous  guidance.
                            1.2.1 Able to participate in    understanding of texts by:     with guidance to complete:   tense
            Theme :         conversations to:               giving main ideas and          non-linear texts
            World of        (e)express opinions             supporting details
            Knowledge                                                                      3.2.2
                                                                                           Able to write with guidance:
                                                                                           (d) descriptions
            * W11 (MAC):    1.2.4
            Civic           Able to participate in                                         3.3.1
            Education       conversations with peers.                                      Able to create texts using a
                                                                                           variety of media with

            Week :                                                                    PENTAKSIRAN 1

                                                                     CUTI PERTENGAHAN PENGGAL 1
                                                (KUMPULAN A : 22 – 28 MARCH 2020, KUMPULAN B : 23- 29 MARCH 2020)

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