Page 10 - RPT BI YEAR 1 2020
P. 10


           UNIT/WEEK/               LISTENING                   SPEAKING                  READING                 WRITING              LANGUAGE ARTS
                            1.2.1                       2.1.1                      3.1.3                   4.2.1                   5.2.1
                            Understand with support the   Give very basic personal   Blend phonemes (CVC,   Give very basic personal   Name people, things or
             WEEK 32
                            main idea of very simple    information using fixed    CCVC)                   information using fixed   places of interest in
                            phrases and sentences       phrases                                            phrases                 illustrations accompanying
             WEEK 33                                                               3.2.2                                           texts
                            1.2.2                       2.1.2                      Understand specific     4.2.5
                            Understand with support     Find out about very basic   information and details of   Connect words and proper
             WEEK 34        specific information and details   personal information using   very simple phrases and   names using ‘and’
                            of very simple phrases and   fixed phrases             sentences
             WEEK 35        sentences                                                                      4.3.2
                                                        2.1.3                      3.2.3                   Spell familiar high
                            1.2.3                       Express basic likes and    i) Use visuals on the page  frequency words accurately
                            Understand with a high degree   dislikes               to help understand a word
              Unit 4        of support very short simple                           or phrase               4.3.3
            Lunchtime       narratives                  2.1.4                      ii) Identify and remember  Plan and write words and
                                                        Greet, say goodbye and     high frequency sound and  phrases
                            1.2.5                       express thanks using suitable   letter patterns
              Theme         Understand short supported   fixed phrases
        World of knowledge   questions                                             3.2.4
                                                                                   Use with support a simple
                            1.3.1                                                  picture dictionary to find,
                            Predict words they will hear by                        list and categorise words
                            using knowledge of a topic                             from Year 1 topics and
                                                                                   Read and enjoy simple
                                                                                   print and digital games at
                                                                                   word level

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