Page 7 - RPT BI YEAR 1 2020
P. 7


                                                                       CUTI PENGGAL 1

                                  (KUMPULAN A: 22.05.2020 - 06.06.2020, KUMPULAN B: 23.05.2020 - 07.06.2020)

                                                                 CUTI HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI

              TOPIC                    LISTENING                   SPEAKING               READING                 WRITING              LANGUAGE ARTS
                            1.1.1                            2.1.2                 3.1.3                   4.2.3                   5.1.1
                            Recognise and reproduce with support   Find out about very   Blend phonemes (CVC,   Express basic likes and   Demonstrate appreciation
                            a limited range of high frequency   basic personal     CCVC)                   dislikes                through non-verbal
                            target language phonemes         information using                                                     responses to
             WEEK 21                                         fixed phrases         3.1.4                   4.2.4                   i) simple chants and raps
                            1.2.1                                                  Segment phonemes (CVC,   Name or describe objects   ii) simple rhymes
                            Understand with support the main idea   2.1.3          CCVC)                   using suitable words from   iii) simple action songs
             WEEK 22        of very simple phrases and sentences   Express basic likes and                 word sets
                                                             dislikes              3.2.2                                           5.1.2
             WEEK 23        1.2.2                                                  Understand specific     4.2.5                   Say the words in simple
                            Understand with support specific   2.1.5               information and details of   Connect words and proper   texts, and sing simple
                            information and details of very simple   Name or describe   very simple phrases and   names using ‘and’    songs with intelligible
             WEEK 24        phrases and sentences            objects using suitable   sentences                                    pronunciation, rhythm and
                                                             words from word sets                          4.3.1                   intonation
                            1.2.3                                                  3.3.1                   Use capital letters     i) simple chants and raps
                            Understand with a high degree of                       Read and enjoy simple   appropriately in personal   ii) simple rhymes
                            support very short simple narratives                   print and digital games at   and place names    iii) simple action songs
              Unit 3                                                               word level
             Pet Show       1.2.4                                                                          4.3.2                   5.3.1
                            Understand short basic supported                                               Spell familiar high     Respond imaginatively and
                            classroom instructions                                                         frequency words accurately   intelligibly through creating
              Theme                                                                                                                simple art and craft
        World of knowledge  1.2.5                                                                          4.3.3                   products
                            Understand short supported questions                                           Plan and write words and
                            Predict words they will hear by using
     6                      knowledge of a topic
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12