Page 3 - RPT BI YEAR 1 2020
P. 3


                                    LISTENING                   SPEAKING                  READING                 WRITING             LANGUAGE ARTS
                            1.2.2                       2.1.1                      3.1.1                   4.1.2                   5.1.1
                            Understand with support     Give very basic personal   Identify and recognise   i) Form upper and lower  Demonstrate
                            specific information and    information using fixed    the shapes of the       case letters of regular  appreciation through
                            details of very simple      phrases                    letters in the alphabet   size and shape**      non-verbal responses
                            phrases and sentences                                                          **preliterate pupils only  to:
                                                        2.1.4                      3.1.2                                           i) simple chants and
              WEEK 5        1.2.3                       Greet, say goodbye, and    Recognise and sound     ii) write letters and   raps
                            Understand with a high      express thanks using       out with support        words in a straight line  ii) simple rhymes
              WEEK 6        degree of support very short  suitable fixed phrases    beginning, medial and   from left to right with  iii) simple action songs
                            simple narratives                                      final sounds in a word    regular spaces between
              WEEK 7                                    2.1.5                                              words and spaces*       5.1.2
                            1.2.4                       Name or describe objects   3.1.3                   *all pupils             Say the words in
              WEEK 8        Understand short basic      using suitable words from   Blend phonemes (CVC,                           simple texts, and sing
                            supported classroom         word sets                  CCVC)                   iii) copy letters and   simple songs with
                            instructions                                                                   familiar high frequency  intelligible
         Introductory Unit                              2.3.1                      3.2.2                   words and phrases       pronunciation, rhythm
              Friends       1.2.5                       Introduce self to an       Understand specific     correctly*              and intonation
                            Understand short supported  audience using fixed       information and details   *all pupils           i) simple chants and
              Theme         questions                   phrases                    of very simple phrases                          raps
           World of Self,                                                          and sentences           4.2.1                   ii) simple rhymes
         Family and Friends                                                                                Give very basic personal   iii) simple action songs
                                                                                   3.3.1                   information using fixed
                                                                                   Read and enjoy simple   phrases
                                                                                   print and digital games
                                                                                   at word level           4.3.1
                                                                                                           Use capital letters
                                                                                                           appropriately in
                                                                                                           personal and place
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