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I would like to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to my senior supervisor, Dr.Sara
Moridpour, who has kindly given me the opportunity to pursue Ph.D. study under her
constant guidance. This thesis would not have been possible without her continuous
encouragement, constructive feedback, and invaluable advice. Secondly, I would like to
thank Associate Prof. Richard Tay, my second supervisor, for his generous support, insightful
counsel and scientific input throughout my study. They have been extremely motivating,
encouraging and positive about my research. The timely and constructive feedback from both
supervisors helped me to improve the quality of my work, as well as my professional
development during my Ph.D. study.
I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my parents, Balakrishnan K. Nagalingam and
Sarasvathy Subramaniam, to whom this thesis is dedicated. This thesis would certainly not
have existed without you and your support, encouragement, unconditional love and unending
sacrifice. To my wife, Neesha Devi Kaneisan, thank you for sharing this journey. This thesis
is the outcome of your continuous and indispensable support throughout my research. I am
indebted to your love and care, and for taking utmost care of our daughters (Thanesha
Sivanandan and Sathanaa Sivanandan) during my research. I am forever grateful to you all.
Finally, I would like to thank Department of Polytechnic Education, Malaysia and the
Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, for providing a scholarship to pursue my PhD at
RMIT University. I am also grateful to Dr. Alex McKnight for his assistance in proofreading
the final version of the thesis.