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               Peer-refereed journal papers

                   1.  Balakrishnan, S., Moridpour, S., and Tay, R. (2016).  Differences in single heavy

                       vehicle crashes at intersections and midblocks. Journal of Advanced Transportation,

                       50 , 2150–215. Accepted.

                   2.  Balakrishnan, S., Moridpour, S., and Tay, R. Injury Severity in Angle Crashes
                       Involving Heavy Vehicles. Under revision.

                   3.  Balakrishnan, S., Moridpour, S., and Tay, R. The Influence of Neighbourhood
                       Socio-Demographic Characteristics on Injury Severity in Heavy Vehicle Crashes

                       Involving Vulnerable Road User. Completed. Ready to submit.

               Peer-reviewed conference papers

                   1.  Balakrishnan, S., Moridpour, S., and Tay, R., 2016. Drivers' injury severity in single

                       heavy vehicle crashes on Melbourne metropolitan highways and freeways. Presented
                       at 27  Australia Road Research Board Conference, 16-18  November, Melbourne,

                   2.  Balakrishnan, S., Moridpour, S., and Tay, R., 2017. Analysis of Injury Severity in

                       Heavy  Vehicle  Angle  Crashes.  Presented  at  the  96th  Annual  Meeting  of  the
                       Transportation  Research  Board,  8–12   January,  2017,  Washington  D.C,  United

                   3.  Balakrishnan,  S.,  Moridpour,  S.,  and  Tay,  R.  The  Influence  of  Neighbourhood
                       Socio-Demographic Characteristics on Injury Severity in Heavy Vehicle Crashes. A

                       full  paper  has  been  submitted  to  Australasian  Transport  Research  Forum,  27-29
                       November, 2017 in Auckland, New Zealand.

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