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Together We Are Better - AFI-LLC Newsletter December 2021
        Agency Information & Principals' CVs - Expert Analysis / Consultations
                                   Current information on our primary agency website for services, forms, and CVs.
                                   -- At Your Service -
                                   -- Your Investigators -
                                   -- Dean's CV - (updated November 2021)
                                   -- Karen's CV - (updated November 2021)

                                   Karen provides Subject Matter Expertise on all Equivocal Deaths, and Dean has provided
                                   expert consultations nationwide since 2010. He has been recognized by Colorado courts in
                                   Forensic and Medicolegal Death Investigations generally in "the totality of the
                                   circumstances of the fatal or non-fatal event and the competency of the official
                                   investigation, with respect to death investigation protocol and standards." – Civil, Criminal,
                                   Probate and Interpleader litigation.

        Specific non-medical testimony expert consultations in the areas of:
        •  Expert medicolegal forensic investigations, including investigation protocol standards in death and serious bodily
            injury investigations for civil and criminal litigation.
        •  Patterned Injury Analysis
        •  Private Investigation Protocols and Ethics
        •  Background Records and Investigations
        Appointed and consulting in Colorado, Wyoming and multiple other states as an expert in medicolegal death and serious
        bodily injury investigations. In addition, providing private attorney and family consultations nationwide.

        -- Reflecting on 2021 (or was it still 2020?) and Best for 2022!
        -- Most Popular New Course - Evidence Inspection & Documentation Plus DNA Collection
        -- Update Courses – Added Chapter Practice Quizzes and Links to Final CE Exam
        -- Conference Updates and Wrap Ups
        -- Case Study: Attempted Homicide and Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Expert Consultations)
        -- Case Study: Alleged Binding / Restraining (Expert Consultation)
        -- Certified Forensic Death Investigator (CFDI) Program Update
        -- Is YOUR Association Participating? Associations Member Discounts and Donations to Associations
        -- Agency Information & Principals' CVs - Expert Analysis / Consultations (current CVs)
        -- Agency Standards of Practice and Ethics
        -- FREE Webinar “PI, Attorney and Client Relationship Ethics” (for December only)
        -- Tidbits From Our Profession – Associations Training and Conferences (conferences in 2022 and remote events)
        -- Visit Our Commentary Archives – search by topic keyword (dating back to 2011)
        -- Expert Forensic Consultant Affiliations – Forensic Pathology, Forensic Toxicology, Crime Scenes, Defense
        -- Visit Our Case Studies from AFI-LLC
        -- Associations and News
        -- News from Our Profession
          - It’s all about the Hex, Exif & Metadata
          - Opinion & Order regarding Eavesdropping in the State of Michigan
          - Effective Use of a Capitol Defense Investigator
          - Opinion & Order regarding Eavesdropping in the State of Michigan
          - Congrats Matt Spaier – PI Magazine Investigator of the Year and PI Magazine’s Top PIs of 2022 (NALI)
        -- This Day in History – Family Murdered, Wrongfully Convicted Finds Justice & MORE from November!!
        -- Legislative News You Can Use... from NCISS
        -- The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator
        IN CLOSING...

                                       Together We're Better! What news can we share?

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