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Together We Are Better - AFI-LLC Newsletter December 2021
        This Day in History
        Starting in June 2021, we began presenting these noted days in history as may be interesting to fellow investigators.
        Follow the link to each story – as most have hidden gems and tidbits. These include the first PIs solving crimes, early and
        modern forensics, posthumous findings to a conviction, etc.

        Please continue below in the special section under PI News for these interesting and historical events of interest to

        MOST POPULAR NEW COURSE - Evidence Inspection & Documentation Plus DNA Collection
                                  Our newest course for legal investigations is now available - Evidence Inspection &
                                  Documentation / Plus DNA Collection. The importance of this, and yet too often neglected,
                                  found us expanding on this, and is one of our most extensive single-module courses. You
                                  can receive a new course 20% discount (no other discounts applied) – or if your association
                                  is an Association Program Partner the discount is 25%. What is the curriculum?

        Approximately five hours, you will learn:
        ▪  What is Evidence Inspection & Documentation?
        ▪  Why is Evidence Inspection & Documentation Important?
        ▪  What is needed for Evidence Inspection & Documentation?
        ▪  What is the process for Evidence Inspection & Documentation?
        ▪  Best Reporting Practices for Evidence Inspection & Documentation
        ▪  What about DNA Collection & Documentation?
        ▪  Case Studies in Evidence Inspection & Documentation

        Find this course and details at! Preview at

        What other courses are the most popular? The Top 5:
        1.  Equivocal Death / Serious Bodily Injury Investigations
        2.  Basic Forensic Scene Photography
        3.  Basics of Individual Locates, Backgrounds, and Assets & Liabilities
        4.  Cell Phone Basics for Legal Investigations
        5.  Motor Vehicle Death & Serious Bodily Injury Investigations

        Update Courses – Added Chapter Practice Quizzes and Links to Final CE Exam
        By overwhelming – really unanimous – requests, we have added practice quizzes to all chapters of our courses. Each
        chapter includes three questions (true / false or multiple choice) and an explanation for each answer. These are required
        to complete and pass (2 of 3 to pass) and continue to the next lesson chapter.

        The welcomed suggestions were to help the students fully comprehend the chapter. We have offered a final exam for
        those who need a passing grade for required continuing education. These are at no charge, and previously we had to be
        contacted for exam links and details. We have added this information to the completion of each course. The final exam
        is from a pool of at least five questions from each chapter, all questions are random. Upon passing the final exam (70%),
        we will send a new certificate of Completion & Passing suitable for presentation and framing. This continues to be
        included in the course fee, we have simply made it easier to continue to the final exam. We have also always included a
        PDF handout of the full course PowerPoint presentations used. These are downloadable from the first chapter so the
        student can easily follow the course and take any notes.

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