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Together We Are Better - AFI-LLC Newsletter December 2021

        PPIAC Annual Meeting and Elections
        The Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC), Colorado’s only
        investigative association putting members first with networking, training, and
        legislative advocacy, held its Annual Meeting and elections:
        •  Board Chair – appointed Jennifer Brown, CLI – thanks Sam Petitto for his
        •  VP of Training: Jordan Smith (new Board member)
        •  VP of Membership: Cassandra Papp (continuing her position)
        •  VP of Legislation: Robert Garza (new Board member)
        •  Senior Directors at Large: Heather Cohen (continuing her position), Rachel Roberts
            (continuing her position), Mike Depew (continuing his position), Kate Malapanes (new              Board
            member), and Deavon Henderson (new Board member)
        •  Associate Director at Large: Stephen Pease (new Board member)

        We also want to thank the outgoing Board members for their years of service:
        •  Robert Orozco –VP of Legislative Affairs and his extensive work battling for licensing in Colorado (passed, then
            vetoed by the governor); and as a Past President.
        •  Tan Smyth - VP of Training, organizing and running the meetings, as well as the planning and running of great Annual
        •  Bob Wall - Senior Director, heading up several projects, including finding vendors for our Annual Conferences.

                               Have YOU joined your state, national and international associations?
                            From networking and training to legislative advocacy – they work for YOU!

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