Page 3 - Treating pain with acupuncture
P. 3
Many people come to acupuncture hoping it will
be a miracle cure. If I translate this to most
people's wishes, it translates to “ I want this
problem to be completely, magically gone in 1- 2
treatments.” Where this may sound wonderful, it is
not realistic and in most cases will not happen.
Acupuncture can help you and in a short period of
time but only a realistic understanding can help to
prevent the pain from reoccurring.
This document is to help you understand what
is happening in your body, what it will take to treat
your pain, what to expect, and what to look for as
treatment progresses. This helps you to know how
to use acupuncture most effectively to promote
healing in your body so that you are getting your
money's worth
Acupuncture has survived and flourished as a
medical modality for over 2500 years because it
works. However, it is medicine not magic which
means that it works according to certain principles
which cause changes in the body that decrease pain
and promote healing. These changes take time.