Page 7 - Treating pain with acupuncture
P. 7

Treatment approach to the inflammation stage

                 Notice that inflammation is not a bad thing.  It is

            actually a necessary thing in order to prevent a

            bacterial infection and to clean out the area so that

            in the next stage fresh undamaged tissue can be laid


                 The goal here is not to stop inflammation but to

            control it so it does not get out of hand. (Ever seen

            someone twist their ankle and then have it blow up

            to the size of a softball? Too much Inflammation!)

            We want the body to clear out the bacteria and

            damaged tissue but we do not want you in a lot of

            pain while this process is going on.

                 In acute cases where the pain level is mild to

            moderate, acupuncture usually decreases pain in a

            few days and usually resolves it in about 14 days.

            If this has been a chronic problem or the pain is

            severe, it may need 2 -4 weeks of treatment to

            significantly relieve the pain.
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