Page 3 - Treating more than just symptoms
P. 3
As many people reach their fifties, they start
developing more pain and more medical problems.
As evidence of this is the plethora of prescription
medicines that line their counter or fill their
medicine cabinet. After seeing their doctor, they are
given a pill for hypertension, arthritis, diabetes or
whatever problem the body seems to be currently
However, even though the prescribed
pharmaceuticals may help prevent the medical
problems from rapidly getting worse, they never
seem to bring you back to the state of health you
once had. As time passes, despite the
pharmaceutical intervention, your health and
general level of function decline. Have you ever
wondered why?
To understand this, we need to go back into
history. Until the twentieth century, one of the
leading causes of mortality was bacterial infections.
Many children did not survive childhood and the
average life span for a human being was
somewhere in the fifties at best. This changed with
the discovery of penicillin. Seen as a wonder drug,
penicillin could cure many bacterial infections.