Page 7 - Treating more than just symptoms
P. 7

Their limitations are greater because they do not

            have the experiences to see and understand their

            current limitations.

                 Medicine is the same way. Conventional

            medicine can do some amazing things (like certain

            teenagers) and it has helped many, many people.

            However,conventional medicine has only been

            around 100 – 200 years. It still follows the “One

            cause (A specific medical problem)/ one drug


                  Chinese Medicine has been in existence at least

            2500 years.  This has given this form of medicine  a

            longer period or time and more experience in

            understanding and dealing with difficult medical

            issues especially those that are due to many factors

            contributing to a medical problem. The epitome of

            this is the herbal medicine where, over thousands

            of years, the doctors learned how to combine  a

            number of herbs (anywhere from 4 – 20 herbs) to

            treat all the factors contributing to the problem

            while keeping any side effects to a minimum.

                 To effectively treat such problems, however, one

            must be realistic.  If the problem does not have an

            overt cause, it has probably been developing in the
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