Page 265 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 265

INT syllabus: Audit of performance information in the public sector


               1.1 Performance audit

               Performance audits aim to provide management with assurance and advice
               regarding the effective functioning of its operational activities.

               A performance audit uses auditing skills (planning & risk assessment, gathering
               sufficient appropriate evidence, reporting) and applying them to activities of the
               organisation that an external auditor of the financial statements wouldn't normally

               Performance audits may include:

               1     Performance information

               2     Value for money – economy, efficiency and effectiveness of operations

               3     Operational audits

               1.2 Performance information

               Performance information is information published by public sector bodies regarding
               their objectives and the achievement of those objectives.

               This information should have the same qualitative characteristics of general purpose
               financial reports such as relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality,
               understandability, timeliness, validity and accuracy.

               The external auditor may have a responsibility to report on this information to the
               users of such information.

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Look at the examples of performance measures for a selection of public sector
                  bodies in Chapter 18 of the Study Text.

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