Page 275 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 275

UK syllabus: Auditing aspects of insolvency

                           Insolvency and liquidation

               1.1 Insolvency

                             There are two tests for insolvency:

                             1     if assets are exceeded by liabilities, or

                             2     if a company is failing to discharge its debts as and when they fall

                             If a company meets either criteria then it is technically insolvent.

               1.2 Liquidation

                             Liquidation is the process of terminating a company, thus ending its
                             life. The assets of the company are physically liquidated, i.e. they are
                             sold, so that cash can be used to pay off company creditors and equity

               There are two forms of voluntary liquidation:

                    members' voluntary liquidation

                    creditors' voluntary liquidation

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