Page 271 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 271
INT syllabus: Audit of performance information in the public sector
Reports on performance information may be in the form of reasonable assurance or
limited assurance.
A reasonable assurance report would express the conclusion positively e.g. 'In our
opinion the number of deaths reported by the hospital is fairly stated'.
A limited assurance report would express the conclusion negatively e.g. 'Nothing has
come to our attention that causes us to believe that the number of deaths reported by
the hospital is not fairly stated.
The assurance report will contain the usual elements of an assurance report:
Introductory paragraph identifying the subject matter – the performance
information being reported on
Scope including the applicable standards and guidance followed e.g. ISAE 3000
Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial
Respective responsibilities of management and the assurance provider
Inherent limitations of the report
Summary of the work performed
Conclusion based on the work performed
Signature of the assurance provider