Page 94 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 94

Chapter 73 4

               1.2 Audit plan

               The strategy sets the overall approach to the audit; the plan fills in the operational
               details of how the strategy is to be achieved.

               The audit plan should include specific descriptions of:

                    Nature, timing and extent of risk assessment procedures.

                    Nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures, including:

                     –     What audit procedures are to be carried out

                     –     Who should do them

                     –     How much work should be done (sample sizes, etc.)

                     –     When the work should be done (interim vs. final)

                    Any other procedures necessary to conform to auditing standards.

               1.3  Planning procedures for initial engagements (new audit clients)

                    Review the previous auditor’s working papers.

                    Consider matters highlighted when professional clearance was obtained.

                    Consider matters discussed with management during acceptance.

                    Perform audit procedures required by ISA 510 Initial Audit Engagements –
                     Opening Balances.

                    Perform additional quality control procedures.

               In addition, the auditor should

                    Allow additional time and resource to obtain an understanding of the client.

                    Use a more experienced audit team to reduce detection risk.

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