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P. 206

Chapter 14

                           Adjusted Present Value (APV)

               10.1 When is APV relevant?

                    APV must be used if the gearing ratio of the company changes as a result of the
                     project and its finance.

                    Note: The main reason we cannot use a WACC is that we do not know the final
                     new gearing level – even if we know the finance to be issued, the gearing will
                     be affected by the project NPV (which we are trying to calculate!).

                    APV is particularly recommended when there are complex funding
                     arrangements (e.g. subsidised loans).

               10.2  Step 1: Base case NPV

                    Ignore gearing! – discount project cash flows using a suitable, ungeared ke.

                    Steps.

                     1.    Find a listed company in the same industry as the project.

                      2.    Take the equity beta of the listed 'donor' company and 'de-gear' it.

                      3.    Insert this de-geared beta (do not re-gear!) into CAPM to find a project

                            Ke (do not re-gear!).

                      4.   Use this ungeared Ke to calculate a project NPV.

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