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P. 206
Chapter 14
Adjusted Present Value (APV)
10.1 When is APV relevant?
APV must be used if the gearing ratio of the company changes as a result of the
project and its finance.
Note: The main reason we cannot use a WACC is that we do not know the final
new gearing level – even if we know the finance to be issued, the gearing will
be affected by the project NPV (which we are trying to calculate!).
APV is particularly recommended when there are complex funding
arrangements (e.g. subsidised loans).
10.2 Step 1: Base case NPV
Ignore gearing! – discount project cash flows using a suitable, ungeared ke.
1. Find a listed company in the same industry as the project.
2. Take the equity beta of the listed 'donor' company and 'de-gear' it.
3. Insert this de-geared beta (do not re-gear!) into CAPM to find a project
Ke (do not re-gear!).
4. Use this ungeared Ke to calculate a project NPV.