Page 293 - Microsoft Word - 00 CIMA F1 Prelims STUDENT 2018.docx
P. 293

Exam style questions and answers

               48  C

                     They have fixed and want variable therefore they use the bid rate, which is
                     6.0% (the bank always pays out the lower rate).

                     Actual borrowing              (7.5%)

                     Payment  to bank              (LIBOR)

                     Receipt from the bank         6.0%

                     Net Interest after swap       (LIBOR + 1.5%)


                       Investment opportunity

                       Develop a more environmentally              NPV using existing company
                        friendly washing machine/tumble              WACC
                        drier. Financed by cutting the
                        forthcoming dividend                        Business risk stays the same & so
                                                                     does the finance risk as they
                                                                     remain entirely equity funded.

                       Open a chain of retail outlets to sell      NPV using risk adjusted WACC
                        their current products in. Financed via
                        a rights issue.                             Business risk changes as they’ve
                                                                     never set up or sold though their
                                                                     own retail outlets before, financing
                                                                     stays 100% equity.

                       Develop a range of fashion                  APV
                        accessories, financed by a subsidised
                        loan.                                       Change in business risk and
                                                                     financial risk

                       Develop a new combi fridge/washing          APV
                        machine, financed partly by a rights
                        issue and partly by a bank loan.            No change in business risk, but a
                                                                     change in the financing of the
                                                                     company because of the loan.

               50  A, B, D, E

                     Gross profit margin & return on capital employed would not be appropriate
                     performance indicators for a charity. The others all tie in with the aims of the
                     RNLI to save lives, educate and raise funds.

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