Page 61 - Microsoft Word - 00 CIMA F1 Prelims STUDENT 2018.docx
P. 61

Information strategy

                           Types of information system

                Transaction     Captures and           Batch, on-line or real   Sales order processing
                processing      stores transaction     time processing.
                system          data.                                           Accounting system

                Management      Integrated system      Data gathered from       Databases
                information     for supporting         TPS.
                system          operations and                                  Reporting systems
                                decision-making.       Predetermined output

                Enterprise      Integration of         Commercial software  CRM
                resource        information across  package installed on
                planning        the company.           a Database               Balanced scorecard
                system                                 Management               performance reporting

                Decision        Manipulation of        User-friendly style      Budgeting on a
                support         information to         and assists with         spreadsheet
                system          support decision-      unstructured
                                making.                problem.

                Executive       Present                Highly visual and        Executive performance
                information     selected/focused       incorporate internal     ‘dashboard’
                system          information for        and external data.
                                senior executives.

                Expert          Present decision       Modify its knowledge     Tax advice
                system          options to ‘non-       database in
                                expert’ users.         accordance with its      Legal advice
                                                       own results.
                                                                                Selection of training

                Strategic       Assist with            Incorporates tools       Significant investment
                enterprise      strategic decision-    such as ABM.             decisions
                management      making.
                system                                                          Acquisition decisions

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