P. 64

LOS 38.g: Evaluate the choices of short-term                                              Session Unit 11:
        funding available to a company and recommend a                                            38. Working Capital Management
        financing method., p.91

        Sources of Short-Term Funding From Banks, p.91

        Lines of credit are used primarily by large, financially sound companies.

        •   Uncommitted line of credit –extended for a certain amount but not honoured if circumstances change.
        •   Committed (regular) line of credit –bank “commits to” for some period of time.
        •   Revolving line of credit. Typically for longer terms, sometimes as long as years. Along with committed
            lines of credit, revolving credit lines can be verified and can be listed on a firm’s financial statements in
            the footnotes as a source of liquidity.      tanties

                       Blanket lien gives a lending bank a claim to all current and future firm assets as collateral in
                      case the primary collateral is insufficient and the borrowing firm defaults.
        •   Banker’s acceptances are used by firms that export goods; its a guarantee from the bank of the firm

            that has ordered the goods stating that a payment will be made upon receipt of the goods. The
            exporting company can then sell this acceptance at a discount in order to generate immediate funds.
        •   Factoring -the actual sale of receivables at a discount from their face values. The “factor” (the buyer of
            the receivables) takes responsibility for collection and the credit risk of the receivables portfolio.

            Non-Bank Sources of Short-Term Funding. p91

            Commercial paper –issued by large creditworthy companies to smaller poor credit firms.
            Whether the firm sells the paper directly to investors (direct placement) or sells it through

            dealers (dealer-placed paper), the interest costs are typically slightly less than the rate they
            could get from a bank.
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