P. 66
Session Unit 12:
39. Portfolio Management: An Overview
LOS 39.a: Describe the portfolio approach to investing., p. 102
Portfolio (approach) perspective suggests that rather than looking at the individual risk and returns
characteristic, taking a holistic view by combining assets with negative correction in their risk-return
characteristics can reduce/diversify overall portfolio risk whilst not reducing overall portfolio return.
Other words, modern portfolio theory concludes that the extra risk from holding only a single security
is not rewarded with higher expected investment returns. Conversely, diversification allows an
investor to reduce portfolio risk without
Diversification ratio captured the benefits of portfolio approach: it is the ratio of the risk of an
equally weighted portfolio of n securities (measured by its standard deviation (SD) of returns) to the
risk of a single security selected at random from the n securities.
• Average SD of returns for the n stocks = 25%, and
• Average SD of returns for an equally weighted portfolio of the n stocks = 18%,
Portfolio Diversification ratio is 18 / 25 = 0.72 (the greater the ratio, the larger the benefit)
Portfolio diversification works best when financial markets are operating normally; diversification
provides less reduction of risk during market turmoil, such as the credit contagion of 2008. During
periods of financial crisis, correlations tend to increase, which reduces the benefits of