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P. 101

Hedge accounting

                           Disclosures (IFRS 7)

               3.1  Introduction to IFRS 7

                  the significance                 Objectives –                    the nature and
                                                                                   extent of risks
                      of financial                   to enable
                                                                                     arising from
                   instruments for                    users of                         financial
                      the entity’s                 accounts to                       instruments,
                  financial position
                                                       assess:                       and how the
                  and performance                                                  entity manages

                                                                                      those risks

                                                       IFRS 7

                   Qualitative risks                Disclosures                   Quantitative risks
                    – management’s                                                – information about
                  objectives, policies                                             the extent to which
                   and processes for                                                   the entity is

                    managing risks.                                                  exposed to risk

                                                 Three categories:

                                                   Credit risk
                                                   Liquidity risk

                                                   Market risk

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