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P. 73

Macroeconomics 1 – The domestic economy

                           Interest rate management

               7.1   The impact of increasing interest rates on the economy

               Internal factors

                    Consumer spending (C) falls        higher interest rates raise the cost of credit

                    Investment (I) falls               Higher cost of capital reduces value of

                    Asset values fall                  e.g. value of bonds, will drop, due to inverse
                                                        relationship between prices v rate of interest.

                    Savings (S) may rise               To protect against fall in asset values

                    AD falls                           Net effect of the above

               External factors

                    Foreign funds are attracted        higher interest rates attract foreign depositors
                     into the country

                    The exchange rate rises, at        Demand for currency increases
                     least in the short term

               Net effect

                    Reduces the inflationary           In most cases its intended effect
                     pressures in the economy

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