Page 77 - Microsoft Word - 00 BA3 IW Prelims STUDENT.docx
P. 77
Macroeconomics 1 – The domestic economy
9.3 Unemployment
Type Comments/policies
Cyclical Keynesian economists would argue
that need to boost AD.
Due to insufficient AD (“demand
deficient”) Monetarists would argue you need
to boost AS.
Not necessarily a problem
People moving from one job to
another Reduce by better information.
Supply side policies – retraining,
Due to structural changes in relocation grants, etc.
industries (e.g. steel production)
Seasonal e.g. demand for fruit pickers
Due to seasonal nature of industries can create regional economic
Real wage Market imperfection (e.g. strong
Wages are (artificially) too high
reduce union powers and abolish
minimum wage agreements