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P. 87
Macroeconomics II – The international economy
Balance of payments
4.1 Balance of payments
An account showing the financial transactions of one nation with the rest
of the world over a period of time.
The balance of payments is split into three parts:
– current account (goods and services)
– capital account (e.g. buildings) and
– financial account (e.g. cash flows)
Current account + capital account + financial account + balancing items = 0
4.2 The current account
This is composed of two parts.
Visible trade This is trade in goods.
Invisible trade Services, investment income and transfers of money
between individuals and national bodies.
Current account balance
A deficit (surplus) on the current account will be balanced by a surplus (deficit),
that is a net inflow (outflow) on the combined capital and financial accounts.
Generally a surplus balance is good, indicating a growing economy.
However, a deficit means a decrease in spending power (and a net withdrawal
from the circular flow), which is deflationary.