Page 325 - Microsoft Word - 00 ACCA F9 IWB prelims 2017.docx
P. 325
The cost of ccapital
Thee weigghted averaage coost of ccapitaal
5.1 AAssumption
Funds from each source of long-term finance arre pooled together annd used to
financee the variouus investmment projeccts.
Therefoore a weighted averaage cost off these souurces of finance is apppropriate tto
evaluatte the investment proojects.
5.2 WWACC calcculation
CCalculate weights for eeach sourcce of capitaal.
Estimate thee cost of each sourcee of capital.
MMultiply proportion of ttotal of eacch source by its cost and sum tthe results, using
thhe formula::
VV e V d
WACC = –––––––– k e ++ –––––––– ‘k d(1 – T))’
V e ++ V d V e + V d
V e aand V d are the markeet values off equity and of debt