Page 12 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 12


            How to calculate an impairment loss?

            • Step 1: Understand the basic principle

                    • After identifying an asset that may be impaired at the end of
                       the reporting period, the impairment loss must be calculated.

            • Step 2: Calculate the asset's carrying amount

            • Step 3: Calculate the asset's recoverable amount

                    • The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value

                       less costs to sell and its value in use.(IAS 36.18)

                    • Fair value less costs to sell is determined by:

                           • a binding sale agreement in an arm's length transaction adjusted for
                              incremental costs of disposal. (IAS 36.25); or

                           • if the asset is traded in an active market, the current market price
                              less the costs of disposal (IAS 36.26); or

                           • based on the best available information of the most recent
                              transaction(s) for similar assets within the same industry. Please note

                              that fair value less costs to sell does not reflect a forced sale unless
                              management is compelled to sell immediately. (IAS 36.27)

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