Page 206 - Microsoft Word - 00 ACCA F2 Prelims.docx
P. 206

Chaptter 12

               5.3  MMoving aveerages

                  Stepp 1

                  Chooose the coorrect cyclee length. Foor instancee, if there aare seasonnal variations
                  pressent in a timme series aand the paattern is reppeated eveery third peeriod (quarterly),
                  the mmoving aveerage shouuld be calcculated bassed on threee periods at a time tto get
                  the bbest resultss. It is posssible to calculate a mmoving aveerage baseed on any length
                  of cyycle.

                  Stepp 2

                  Calcculate the ttotal for thee first cyclee.

                  Stepp 3

                  Calcculate the aaverage byy dividing tthe total byy the numbber of perioods in the ccycle.

                  Stepp 4

                  Repe eat the proocess for thhe next cyccle, movingg on just oone period.

                  Repeeat the callculation foor each succcessive cyycle until thhe data haas been fully

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