Page 255 - Microsoft Word - 00 ACCA F2 Prelims.docx
P. 255

Cappital budggeting

               3.5  AAdvantagess and disaadvantagees of paybback

                       Simple too understaand.                    It is not a measuree of

                                                                    absolutee profitability.
                       It is a simmple meassure of

                        risk                                       Ignores the time vvalue of
                                                                    money. (can use
                       Uses cassh flows raather                    discounnted cash fflows)
                        than acccounting prrofits
                                                                   Does noot take acccount of
                       Helps avvoid liquiditty                     cash floows beyondd the
                        problemss.                                  paybackk period.

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