Page 2 - CIMA OCS Workbook February 2019 - Day 1 Suggested Solutions
P. 2
Question Response
Why has demand for domestic • People buying digital / electronic toys instead (p4)
outdoor toys grown so slowly
(1.7% p.a. over the last 5 years?
Why has demand for commercial • Business with outdoor space for children recognise it
outdoor toys grown quicker (7.4% will attract customers (p4)
p.a. over the last 5 years? • Government initiatives (p4)
Is Trigg a major player in its • Domestic – largest player (p4)
markets? • Commercial – not a market leader (p4)
Why do larger organisations Well-publicised accidents in 2015 have meant that many
dominate the commercial sector? businesses are looking to buy from larger organisations as
they have
• Proven safety records and
• greater investment in safety compliance training and
design (p4)
What is the price of a typical • None given on website – have to work out bespoke
domestic set up? options
• Would customers prefer to be shown system A, system
B, etc?
How much bonus does each • Total bonus in 2019 = 0.5% × 7,520 (p20) = F$37,600
salesperson dealing with • This is to be shared over 4 people (p14), giving an
commercial clients earn each year? average of F$9,400 each
What type of organisational • Functional (p12-15)
structure does Trigg have?
Does Trigg have an HR director? • No – HR aspects covered by Ping Bennett (p15)
Does Trigg have an IT director? • No – IT aspects covered by Ping Bennett (p15)
How important is IT to Trigg? • Not as important as it should be! Website is old
fashioned but 50% of domestic sales arise there. Also
production process hasn’t changed in 20 years, so scope
for MRP systems
What is Trigg’s supplier strategy? • Sources timber from 2 suppliers – have long term
relationships with both (p16)
• Accessories single sourced (p16)
• Recommends partners for ground works (p16)
• Note: installation brought in-house in June 18 (p11)