Page 7 - CIMA OCS Workbook February 2019 - Day 1 Suggested Solutions
P. 7


                  EXERCISE 2(A) - FORECASTING

                   Question           Your response

                  Discuss whether    •  Time series analysis is most useful when there is a clear pattern to sales
                  time series analysis   – i.e. trend + some type of seasonal or regular variation.
                  would be a useful   •  We are told that there is a significant seasonal aspect to domestic sales
                  technique for Trigg    (and, to a lesser extent, commercial sales) – more play equipment will
                  Adventure to use       be sold in summer months.
                  for forecasting
                  future revenue.    Given this, then time series analysis would be very useful for forecasting
                                     sales patterns.

                  EXERCISE 2(B) - BUDGET PREPARATION

                   Question           Your response

                  Identify the likely   In 2018 there was spare capacity, so the budget limiting factor would have
                  budget limiting     been sales demand.
                  factor for Trigg
                  Adventure.          We are told that there may be a need for overtime in 2019 during busy
                                      periods (p24) indicating that production capacity will be an issue. Despite
                                      this it is likely that the board have prepared budgets on estimated sales
                                      demand rather than limiting it to production capacity


                   Question          Your response

                   Discuss whether   Historically there has been little change to the business so an incremental
                   an incremental or  approach would have been acceptably accurate
                   ZBB approach
                   would be most     •  No change in customers or  target markets
                   suitable for Trigg   •  No change in product range
                   Adventure.        •  Also, an incremental approach was likely to be cheaper.

                                     However, going forwards the change in MD and appointment of Grace
                                     Lucas strongly indicate that there will be changes in products.
                                     Furthermore, government initiatives should mean greater opportunities to

                                     win commercial contracts.

                                     Given this, there is more justification for ZBB in 2019.

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