Page 4 - CIMA OCS Workbook February 2019 - Day 1 Suggested Solutions
P. 4


               CHAPTER FOUR – P1

               EXERCISE 1 (A) - COSTING METHODS

                Question                       Response

                Does Trigg Adventure operate a   •  Marginal costing  (p20)
                marginal costing system or
                absorption costing?

                Is labour considered to be a   •  Production labour is treated as a variable cost (p21)
                variable cost or a fixed cost?

                How are overheads absorbed?    •  Overheads are not “absorbed”.as the company uses MC
                                                   not TAC.
                                               •  However, variable production OH are charged to jobs on
                                                   the basis of direct labour hours (p22)
                                               •  Fixed OH are left as a lump sum.

                How useful would it be for Trigg  Arguments for
                to switch to absorption costing   •  Full costs are needed for inventory valuation
                (TAC)?                         •  Trigg seems to use cost-plus pricing (at least on
                                                   commercial jobs – p22). TAC would ensure all production
                                                   costs are covered and a profit made (assuming actual
                                                   volume is at least the volume used to set fixed costs per
                                               Arguments against
                                               •  A focus on MC and contribution is more useful for
                                                   decision making – such as setting a minimum tender
                                                   price to win new commercial contracts
                                               •  MC is simpler

                Suppose Trigg Adventure did    Arguments for
                decide to switch to absorption   •  ABC is particularly useful when a company uses cost plus
                costing. How useful do you think   pricing – Trigg’s prices for commercial customers are set
                ABC would be compared to           using cost-plus pricing. (Note: we don’t know how
                extending the current approach     domestic prices are set but are likely to be a mixture of
                of calculating rates per labour    market forces and negotiations with major retailers, so
                hour?                              ABC would be less relevant.)
                                               •  Labour is a small part of the overall production cost
                                                   (p20), so relying on a rate per direct labour hour will be
                                                   less useful than having a range of cost drivers
                                               Arguments against
                                               •  Most production OH are variable (forecasts for 2019 are
                                                   variable production OH F$14.3m v fixed production OH
                                                   of F$3.2m). ABC is more useful when fixed OH are more
                                               •  Trigg only makes 5 basic products (p20) – ABC is more
                                                   useful where there are many product lines
                                               •  Little evidence that cost control is an issue for Trigg.

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