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P. 86

Chapter 83 4

               1.5  Reporting of non-compliance

                  Management             charged with            3  parties          Shareholders

                   Communicate               If the non-          If there is a
                      the non-            compliance is a           duty to          By modifying the
                  compliance on            deliberate act        report e.g. to       auditor’s opinion
                   a timely basis        by management            a regulator

               1.6  Withdrawal from the engagement

               The auditor may decide that the non-compliance with laws and regulations is so
               serious that they need to withdraw from the engagement (i.e. resign as auditor).

               In addition, if there has been a breakdown of trust between the auditor and
               management, or the auditor has doubts about the competence of management, the
               auditor may consider resignation.

               The auditor should seek legal advice before taking this course of action

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