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P. 87

Professional responsibilities and liability

                           Fraud and error, misstatements and


               Guidance regarding responsibility to consider fraud and error in an audit of financial
               statements is provided in ISA 240 The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in
               an Audit of Financial Statements.

               2.1 Definitions

                             Irregularity: is the collective term for fraud, error, breaches of laws and
                             regulations, and deficiencies in the design or operating effectiveness of
                             controls. An irregularity may or may not result in a misstatement in the
                             financial statements.

                             Misstatement: A difference between the amount, classification,
                             presentation, or disclosure of a reported financial statement item and
                             the amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure that is required for
                             the item to be in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
                             framework. Misstatements can arise from error or fraud.

                             Fraud is an intentional act by one or more individuals among
                             management, those charged with governance, employees or third
                             parties, involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal

                             Fraud can be split into two types:

                                  Fraudulent financial reporting – deliberately misstating the
                                   financial statements to make the company's performance or
                                   position look better/worse than it actually is.

                                  Misappropriation – the theft of a company’s assets such as cash
                                   or inventory.

                             Error: An error can be defined as an unintentional misstatement in
                             financial statements, including the omission of amounts or disclosures.

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