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Chapter 1
The historic cost convention
11.1 Accounting coding systems
The historic cost convention gives guidance as to what value a transaction should be
recorded at.
Normally, transactions are recorded at historical cost. This is the agreed monetary
value of a transaction at the time it takes place. For example, the cost of raw
materials purchased from a supplier, or the cost of a machine purchased for use in
the business entity. It also applies to sales transactions – they will be recorded at the
agreed monetary value when the transaction takes place.
Below are the advantages and disadvantages of using historical cost as a valuation
Advantages Disadvantages
It is easily understood by most It may not be relevant to the
people. needs of some users of financial
information who require
It is usually easy to reliably information based upon current
identify or determine e.g. by costs and prices.
reference to a purchase invoice.
It may become out of date,
It is an objective basis of particularly when considering the
measurement, whereas other impact of inflation on costs over a
valuation bases such as fair value period of time.
or market value are subjective.
It presumes that historical cost is
based upon a stable unit of
currency which enables
comparison over time; this is
probably not the case.