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P. 114

Chapter 8

                           Short and long-term financial


                                                    BUT a focus on
                  Short-term financial           short-term financial         Therefore, need steps to
                performance measures               performance can             reduce short-termism,
                      are used for:              damage shareholder                 for example:
                                                 wealth, for example:
                control purposes, e.g.        investment in new             use long-term
                  variance analysis              assets is cut                  measures such as NPV
                                                                                and IRR
                determining executive         investment in training
                  rewards                        and development is cut       use a range of financial
                                                                                and non-financial
                assessing the quality of
                  past decisions                                                measures (Chapter 11)
                                                                              use VBM (Chapter 9)
                                                                              give managers share
                                                                                options or link bonuses
                                                                                to long-term
                                                                              reduced
                                                                              switch from a budget-
                                                                                constrained style

               In rare situations, for example an organisation that is fighting to survive, a focus on
               short-term targets would be more appropriate.

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