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P. 109

Financial performance measures in the private sector

               2.2 Measuring profitability

                             The primary objective of a profit seeking company is to maximise
                             profitability. A business needs to make a profit to be able to provide a
                             return to any investors and to be able to grow the business by

                Profitability measures –
                   whole organisation
                                                      Advantages                   Disadvantages
               Gross and operating             Easy to calculate             Poor correlation to
               profit                                                           shareholder wealth
                                               Widely understood
                                                                              Can be distorted by
                                               Ignores largely
                                                 uncontrollable figures,        accounting policies
                                                 e.g. tax, interest

                                               Can calculate as a profit
               ROCE (return on capital         Easy to calculate             Poor correlation to
               employed)                                                        shareholder wealth
                                               Measures how well a
               =  operating profit ÷             firm is utilising            Can be distorted by
               (capital employed) × 100          resources invested in it       accounting policies
                                               Often used by external        Possible dysfunctional
                                                 investors/analysts             behaviour and/or a
                                                                                cutting back in
                                                                                investment if used as a
                                                                                performance target

               EPS (earnings per share)   Easy to calculate                  Poor correlation to
                                                                                shareholder wealth
               = (PAT – preference             Calculation precisely
               dividends) ÷ weighted             defined by accounting        Accounting treatment
               average number of                 standards                      may distort measure
               ordinary shares
               EBITDA, i.e. earnings           Easily calculated and         Poor correlation to
               before interest, tax and          understood                     shareholder wealth
               depreciation adjustment
                                               Ignores depreciation (a       Ignores changes to
                                                 write off over several         working capital or
                                                 years) and tax/interest        amount of non-current
                                                 (externally generated)         asset replacement

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